Non-touch de­tec­tion in the im­me­dia­te dan­ger zone to pro­tect against bum­ping, drag­ging or pin­ching.
Ta­c­ti­le mi­nia­tu­re safe­ty ed­ges op­ti­mal­ly in­te­gra­ted in doors pro­vi­de sen­si­ti­ve anti-pinch pro­tec­tion in line with the lo­cal re­qui­re­ments with the op­ti­on of anti-drag de­tec­tion and col­li­si­on pro­tec­tion.
Safe­ty steps with in­te­gra­ted sur­face sen­sors pre­vent wai­ting pas­sen­gers from be­ing bum­ped du­ring ex­ten­si­on and stop when pas­sen­gers are stan­ding on the step du­ring re­trac­tion.

Com­pe­tence in fu­ture-ori­en­ted tech­no­lo­gy for ma­xi­mum safe­ty

May­ser is a lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of ta­c­ti­le and non-touch safe­ty ed­ges and safe­ty steps to se­cu­re doors, win­dows and lift gates of dif­fe­rent ty­pes of ve­hic­les such as cars, au­to­no­mous shut­tles or bu­ses and trains.

1 2 3

Non-touch de­tec­tion in the im­me­dia­te dan­ger zone to pro­tect against bum­ping, drag­ging or pin­ching.
Ta­c­ti­le mi­nia­tu­re safe­ty ed­ges op­ti­mal­ly in­te­gra­ted in doors pro­vi­de sen­si­ti­ve anti-pinch pro­tec­tion in line with the lo­cal re­qui­re­ments with the op­ti­on of anti-drag de­tec­tion and col­li­si­on pro­tec­tion.
Safe­ty steps with in­te­gra­ted sur­face sen­sors pre­vent wai­ting pas­sen­gers from be­ing bum­ped du­ring ex­ten­si­on and stop when pas­sen­gers are stan­ding on the step du­ring re­trac­tion.
1 2 3

Com­pe­tence in fu­ture-ori­en­ted tech­no­lo­gy for ma­xi­mum safe­ty

May­ser is a lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of ta­c­ti­le and non-touch safe­ty ed­ges and safe­ty steps to se­cu­re doors, win­dows and lift gates of dif­fe­rent ty­pes of ve­hic­les such as cars, au­to­no­mous shut­tles or bu­ses and trains.


Non-touch de­tec­tion

The MY Non-Touch De­tec­tion Sys­tem is a cont­act­less so­lu­ti­on that uses ca­pa­ci­ti­ve sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy. The “pre­dic­ti­ve” func­tion pre­vents pas­sen­gers from be­ing bum­ped or drag­ged du­ring ent­ry and exit of trains and bu­ses. The ad­van­ta­ge of the clo­se mo­ni­to­ring of the door is the in­crease in ve­hic­le avai­la­bi­li­ty.


Mi­nia­tu­re safe­ty ed­ges and sen­sor pro­files

Ta­c­ti­le safe­ty ed­ges to im­ple­ment anti-pinch and anti-drag sys­tems are the stan­dard in pu­blic trans­port. De­spi­te their tiny di­men­si­ons, the safe­ty ed­ges are ex­tre­me­ly re­lia­ble and safe li­ves. A wide ran­ge of dura­ble sen­sors and sen­sor pro­files which com­bi­ne a se­al­ing fea­ture and safe­ty of­fer plug-and-play so­lu­ti­ons for any re­qui­re­ments in the ent­ry and exit area.


Safe­ty steps

Safe­ty steps with anti-slip coa­ting (ta­c­ti­le sur­face sen­sors) are the re­qui­re­ment for safe ent­ry and exit on steps, ramps or when bridging gaps. Their re­sis­tance to en­vi­ron­men­tal as well as com­mon che­mi­cal in­fluen­ces make them a dura­ble, re­lia­ble and in­no­va­ti­ve safe­ty unit for your ve­hic­le.

Ad­van­ta­ges of our com­ple­te so­lu­ti­on
for the pro­tec­tion of au­to­no­mous ve­hic­les

  • Pre­ven­ti­on of in­ju­ries and fa­ta­li­ties of pas­sen­gers due to be­ing pin­ched or drag­ged along wi­t­hout in­ter­ven­ti­on of the dri­ver – pre­cis­e­ly be­cau­se no dri­ver is pre­sent
  • Re­lia­ble and pre­dic­ti­ve pro­tec­tion
  • Col­li­si­on pro­tec­tion
  • Pro­ven and van­da­lism-pro­of tech­no­lo­gy also in the bus and rail sec­tor and the­r­e­fo­re also ide­al for au­to­no­mous ve­hic­les
  • Pre­ven­ti­on of per­so­nal in­ju­ries and ac­ci­dents of pas­sen­gers with spe­cial fo­cus to mo­bi­li­ty-rest­ric­ted and el­der­ly pas­sen­gers
  • In­te­gra­ti­on with ad­di­tio­nal se­cu­ri­ty sys­tems pos­si­ble
  • In­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons de­pen­ding on re­qui­re­ments
  • Can be used for a va­rie­ty of ve­hic­les such as peo­p­le-mo­vers or au­to­no­mous shut­tles

Ad­van­ta­ges of our com­ple­te so­lu­ti­on
for the pro­tec­tion of au­to­no­mous ve­hic­les

  • Pre­ven­ti­on of in­ju­ries and fa­ta­li­ties of pas­sen­gers due to be­ing pin­ched or drag­ged along wi­t­hout in­ter­ven­ti­on of the dri­ver – pre­cis­e­ly be­cau­se no dri­ver is pre­sent
  • Re­lia­ble and pre­dic­ti­ve pro­tec­tion
  • Col­li­si­on pro­tec­tion
  • Pro­ven and van­da­lism-pro­of tech­no­lo­gy also in the bus and rail sec­tor and the­r­e­fo­re also ide­al for au­to­no­mous ve­hic­les
  • Pre­ven­ti­on of per­so­nal in­ju­ries and ac­ci­dents of pas­sen­gers with spe­cial fo­cus to mo­bi­li­ty-rest­ric­ted and el­der­ly pas­sen­gers
  • In­te­gra­ti­on with ad­di­tio­nal se­cu­ri­ty sys­tems pos­si­ble
  • In­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons de­pen­ding on re­qui­re­ments
  • Can be used for a va­rie­ty of ve­hic­les such as peo­p­le-mo­vers or au­to­no­mous shut­tles

Our ex­per­ti­se

  • High le­vel of de­sign and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring com­pe­ten­cy for cus­to­mi­sed so­lu­ti­ons de­pen­ding on re­qui­re­ments
  • Plug-and-play so­lu­ti­on for your pro­ject
  • Com­pe­tent part­ner for con­sul­ting, de­ve­lo­p­ment, ma­nu­fac­tu­ring and ser­vice


Our ex­perts will be hap­py to ad­vi­se you on how to make your door con­cept safe

More about our pro­ducts

MY Non-Touch De­tec­tion Sys­tem

Mi­nia­tu­re safe­ty ed­ges

Safe­ty steps